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"Our individual disability becomes a handicap only when we encounter a barrier." ? George Covington, Co-author "Why not consider designing for your lifetime, not just your primetime?" ? Jane Langmiur, Architect "Universal design is good design because it is design for the user and not design for the designer." ? Marc Harrison, IDSA, Professor, Rhode Island School of Design "The issue is not so much, ?what a great idea!,? as how did we get it wrong for so long?" ? Geoff Hollington, Universal Designer, Geoff Hollington Associates "It's a way of thinking; a new ingredient to design education and professional practice that can become a catalyst for invigorating our design sensibilities." ? Bill Palmer, Architect, Hellmuth, Obata, & Kassabaum, Inc. "A designed object, product, building, or landscape earns the term Universal Design only if, in its final built state, it works properly in one form for everyone." ? Kevin Owens, Director of Product Development for Play/Designs & Playworld Systems, Provides a comprehensive review of products that are designed for universal access by a full spectrum of the public. To illustrate the principle that responsible design makes universal access an imperative, this book contains many product profiles and photographs, encouraging design standards that make places and things accessible and user friendly to everyone from children to seniors to the disabled.

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Portable, condensed, and armed with 150 principles, Universal Principles of Design, Pocket Edition is like a Swiss Army knife of design knowledge.Imprint: Nova), Learning games have long been used in adult education, and are particularly common in business education.This publication provides priceless documentation and a visual guide for those interested in light design and furniture history, offering a detailed insight into this particular and fascinating field.Conceived as a catalogue raisonné of nearly 500 lights, this book includes a discussion between Didier Krzentowski and the design historian and curator of the Musée des Arts décoratifs, Constance Rubini and the journalist/design critic Pierre Doze.Intended for researchers and practitioners, Smart Cities and Homes: Key Enabling Technologies discusses the pervasive and cooperative computing technologies that will perform a central role for handling the challenges of urbanization and demographic change.Richly illustrated with 350 photos, this completely revised and redesigned bestseller will help readers fashion and/or refine their own design statements.The Industrial Revolution built the foundation of our modern capitalist age.Written for anyone who has ever been swayed by the argument that the price tag limits how green a home can be, "Green Home Building" is a must-read for builders, contractors, architects, designers, and homeowners.Miki Cook is a green building and sustainability consultant who has dedicated her career to educating contractors and the public on the strategies, methods, and benefits of green homes.Doug Garrett has trained thousands of homebuilders, architects, and sub-contractors to build energy-efficient homes using applied building science to improve comfort, durability, and healthfulness while meeting or exceeding the energy code., Conventional wisdom dictates that building a green home is an expensive endeavor.Intelligently and provocatively written, this large and attractive volume places the current scene in a historic framework, explores the cultural and economic forces shaping design now and for the future, identifies top designers and trends, and explains the vigorous artistic debates going on among the innovators in architecture, fashion, interiors, and product design.Readers also discover effective nonverbal communication skills, techniques for quickly resolving common pitfalls and conflicts, and easy ways to increase feelings of comfort and security.This pocket edition of the bestselling design reference book contains 150 essential principles., Whether a website, marketing campaign, museum exhibit, a video game or a complex control system, the design we see is the culmination of many concepts and practices brought together from a variety of disciplines.System Design with SystemC will be of interest to designers in industry working on complex system designs, as well as students and researchers within academia.In addition, the book includes DIY design projects and party planning ideas.