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Read book Australian Residential Property Development for Investors in EPUB, DOC


The all-in-one reference for the new residential real estateinvestor Australian Residential Property Development for Investors is the practical, step-by-step guide for beginners and experiencedinvestors in the real estate and construction industries. From siteselection to sale, this book walks you through each phase of theproperty development process to show you how careful planning canconsiderably enhance returns on your investment. This practical andeffective guide features the latest information on developmenteconomics, the impact of electronic media, new cost-effectivebuilding methods, and a collection of case studies that illustratethese ideas in action. With a focus on practical outcomes, youlllearn how to approach the property from an investors perspectiveto minimize risk and maximize returns. Australians have long had a love affair with residentialproperty. We have one of the highest rates of home ownership in theworld, and investing in residential real estate is a popular routeto financial security. This book shows you how to make propertydevelopment feasible within your time and budget constraints,netting you more profit and less headache. Select the site with the most profit potential, and finddependable financing Work more effectively with contractors, councils, consultants,and solicitors Apply standard monitoring and risk management techniques toyour investment Cost and market the improved property appropriately to targetthe right buyers Newcomers are understandably overwhelmed by zoning, financing,construction, marketing, and everything else that goes intoproperty development, frequently resulting in mistakes and missedprofit. For the fledgling developer hoping to make the most of anew investment, Australian Residential Property Development forInvestors provides all-in-one reference, with proven systems,techniques, and tools.

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