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Read Sustainable Construction : Green Building Design and Delivery MOBI, DOC, FB2


The classic reference for high-performance green building delivery systemsNo longer just a buzzword, sustainable construction is going mainstream--and soon will be the norm. Revised to reflect the latest developments of the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and other tools, "Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, Third Edition" guides construction and design professionals through the process of developing commercial and institutional high-performance green buildings in today's marketplace.Charles Kibert provides an introduction to green building, covering the theory, history, and state of the industry as well as best practices in building procurement and delivery systems. From green building and Green Globes assessments to building hydrological systems and materials and product selection, this comprehensive text covers all of the factors involved with sustainable construction. In a clear and accessible writing style, Kibert addresses issues so that the reader can think critically and independently as part of the cutting edge in green building.The "Third Edition" includes up-to-date coverage of: The latest developments leading up to LEED version 4Carbon neutral design and carbon accountingGreen Globes and international building assessment systemsThe Living Building ChallengeEnvironmental product declarations (EPDs) as the norm for green building productsThe trends in net-zero energy building design and policiesBroad enough to cover the needs of faculty and students and detailed enough to serve as a professional reference, "Sustainable Construction, Third Edition" is a must for the builder/owner and construction manager looking to take advantage of the opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the designer looking to be LEED certified, or anyone interested in sustainability., Using the latest version 3.0 of U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and other tools, Charles Kibert explains the best practices in building procurement and delivery systems. From materials selection to considering the use of natural systems for wastewater processing, this comprehensive text covers all of the factors involved with sustainable construction. In a clear and accessible writing style, Dr. Kibert addresses issues so that the reader can think critically and independently as part of the cutting edge in green building. The Third Edition includes new coverage of Carbon Neutral Design and Carbon Accounting. A must for the builder/owner and production manager looking to take advantage of the opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the designer looking to be LEED certified, or anyone interested in sustainability., Using the latest version of U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and other tools, Charles Kibert, in a clear and accessible writing style, addresses issues so that the reader can think critically and independently as part of the cutting edge in green building.

Sustainable Construction : Green Building Design and Delivery DOC, FB2, DJV

Contributors from industry set out the most pressing contemporary concerns for the production of architecture, and the academic contributions ask what methods and objects are appropriate for this emerging field of study.Free from the jargon that often characterizes architectural criticism, Architecture Today is accessible and essential reading for all those interested in architecture, the visual arts and modern culture.Presents modeling approaches that can be performed in SysML and other modeling languages This book combines the emerging discipline of systems architecting with model-based approaches using SysML.The ancient practitioners of this craft used traditional methods of measurement to create dazzling geometric compositions, often based on the repetition of a single pattern.It introduces a selection of seminal modern and contemporary architectural projects, their situation within the built environment, and their intellectual and formal situation/context as pretexts and design paradigms.A final chapter deals with the singular architecture of Lynch's latest film, Inland Empire, a complex work yet to receive sufficient critical explication.Previous investigations have been limited to focusing on Soanea s late-Georgian and then post-modern influence; this is the first in-depth study of his impact over the course of two centuries.What can be learnt about Lynch's films by examining the architecture we see within them?Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader., From #1 "New York Times" bestselling author Brad Thor--a brilliant thriller as "current as tomorrow's headlines." Terrorism in Europe has spun out of control.Authored by one of the U.S.This visual reference includes an introductory, historical view of the elements, as well as an overview of how these elements can and have been used across multiple design disciplines.In this, his first memoir, le Carré is as funny as he is incisive, reading into the events he witnesses the same moral ambiguity with which he imbues his novels.Not only are all the classic deck-building techniques included, but the book also shows how to incorporate the latest contemporary options, such as how to work with eco-friendly wood and reclaimed plastic.However, at the MBA level, the prime focus is on the applications and policy implications of these topics, making this book the perfect text for MBA and executive MBA students enrolled in courses such as International Trade and Global Macroeconomic Policy, as well as to practitioners who need a solid working knowledge of these topics., In the curricula of highly ranked MBA programs, two areas of discussion are conspicuously absent: International Trade, and Global Macroeconomic Policy.In this post-financial crisis environment, as the US and other advanced economies continue to experience sluggish growth, persistently high unemployment, and political agitation for increasingly protectionist policies, discussions pertaining to trade, currencies, and international capital flows are often fraught with emotion, tension, and hysteria.This book cuts through the emotions and superficial solutions and provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the hard-hitting theoretical models that drive the global flow of goods, services, and capital in the real world.